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Traditional Genovese Sauce Recipe for Pasta

The traditional Genovese sauce is perfect for special occasions or to bring a rich Italian tradition to the table. The slow cooking makes the meat tender and the sauce incredibly flavorful, a true triumph for the palate!
Servings 4
Prep Time 20 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes



  • In a terracotta bowl, prepare a mince with lard, salami, and prosciutto.
  • Add olive oil, lard, finely sliced onions, thinly chopped carrot and celery, crushed garlic, and tomato sauce.
  • Thoroughly mix the ingredients.
  • Cover the mixture with water and place the meat in it.
  • Cook on low heat until all the water evaporates.
  • Strain the cooking liquid through a fine sieve to obtain a homogeneous sauce.
  • Put the sauce back into the bowl with the meat, adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper, and pour two glasses of water.
  • Continue cooking over moderate heat for another 15 minutes.


For a unique touch, add a bay leaf during the meat cooking and remove it before serving to intensify the flavors.
Author: Tips4Food
Calories: 350kcal
Course: Sauces
Keyword: Flavorful sauce, Genovese Sauce, Genovese Sauce Recipe, Italian culinary tradition, Pasta, Slow cooking, Special dishes, Tender meat, Terracotta dish