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Recipe Cocktail Martinique: Vermouth and Rum with a Twist

The Martinique Cocktail is a blend of red vermouth, rum, and orange bitter, served with ice and citrus slices. Add a unique touch by caramelizing the orange slice and sprinkling a dash of cinnamon. Always remember to drink responsibly!
Servings 1
Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes



  • Take a cocktail shaker and fill it with plenty of ice cubes to cool the mix.
  • Pour the red vermouth and rum into the shaker in the indicated proportion.
  • Add two spritz of orange bitter to give the cocktail a citrusy flavor and a bitter note to balance the sweetness of the vermouth.
  • Close the shaker and shake it vigorously for a few seconds to perfectly blend the ingredients and further chill the drink.
  • Serve the cocktail in a lowball glass, straining the content of the shaker to retain the ice cubes.
  • Complete the presentation by adding a slice of orange and a slice of lemon directly into the glass, giving a fresh and aesthetic touch to your creation.


To add a unique twist to your Martinique cocktail, you can lightly caramelize the slice of orange before placing it in the glass. This will not only add a sweet note but also a smoky aroma that pairs perfectly with the warm notes of the rum. Additionally, you could sprinkle a pinch of cinnamon over the cocktail before serving to intensify the sensory experience.
Author: Tips4Food
Calories: 200kcal
Course: Cocktail
Keyword: Apéritif, Calories, Caramelized Orange, cinnamon, Cocktail Martinique, Cocktail Preparation, Cocktail Presentation, Cocktail shaker, Exotic Cocktail, Ice cubes, Lemon Slice, lowball glass, Orange Bitter, Orange Slice, Preparation time, Recipe, Rum, Twist, Vermouth