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Recipe for Festive Cocktail: Wine and Citrus in Flute

A festive cocktail that combines the elegance of Vino Castelblanch Extra Brut sparkling wine with the lively aromas of Cointreau, Passoa, and Chinese mandarin. Perfect for special occasions, with a sophisticated presentation and a refined balance of flavors.
Servings 1
Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes



  • Begin by chilling the flute glass, placing it in the freezer for a few minutes or filling it with ice and letting it rest.
  • Remove the ice from the glass (if used) and carefully pour in the Cointreau followed by the Passoa.
  • Slowly add the previously chilled Castelblanch Extra Brut Wine, avoiding pouring it directly over the other liqueurs to avoid mixing them too abruptly.
  • Gently stir with a cocktail spoon to lightly combine the ingredients, preserving the layering of flavors.
  • Cut a thin slice or peel of the Chinese mandarin and use it to decorate the rim of the glass before serving.


To add a unique touch to your cocktail, try lightly caramelizing the mandarin peel with a kitchen torch before placing it on the rim of the glass. This will not only add a pleasant toasted aroma but also a subtle sweet note that will complement perfectly the citrusy flavors of Cointreau and Passoa.
Author: Tips4Food
Calories: 150kcal
Course: Cocktail
Keyword: Chinese Mandarin, citrus, Cointreau, élégance, exotic flavors, festive cocktail, flute glass, Passoa, refined balance, sophisticated presentation, sparkling wine, Wine