Easy and Delicious Surf and Turf Tart


I still remember when I first experienced the Mari e Monti Tart during a family Sunday. That skillful mix of flavors immediately won me over, making it one of my favorite recipes.

Today I want to share with you an easy and tasty version, perfect for impressing your guests without spending hours in the kitchen. With only 30 minutes of preparation and 25 minutes of cooking, this tart will become the centerpiece of your menu, perfectly balancing the flavors of the sea and the mountains.

And don’t be discouraged by the calories; each portion contains only 350 calories, allowing you to enjoy this culinary masterpiece without feeling guilty. Follow the recipe step by step for a result that will surprise everyone!

Recipe Notes

  • DIFFICULTY: simple and quick
  • PRO: perfect balance of flavors
  • CONS: requires cooking time
  • PREPARATION: 30 minutes
  • NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION: 350 calories per serving
  • SUITABLE FOR: those looking for tasty and satisfying dishes in a short time

Notes on the Ingredients of the Mari e Monti Tart

Let’s discover how to make your Mari e Monti tart a masterpiece of flavors!

  • Shortcrust Pastry: A crispy base that elegantly welcomes the ingredients.
  • Shrimps: The sweetness of the sea, choose them fresh for an unparalleled taste.
  • Champignon Mushrooms: They add earthiness, perfect when paired with the sweetness of the shrimps.
  • Bechamel Sauce: Binds all the ingredients with its enveloping creaminess.
  • Salt and Pepper: Essential, they balance the flavors bringing harmony to the dish.
  • Flour: Used to thicken the bechamel, it ensures the right consistency.
  • Butter: Rich and full-bodied, adds depth of flavor to your tart.

Nutritional Values of the Recipe

This delicious preparation skillfully combines ingredients from both the sea and the land, offering a range of nutritional benefits, along with some aspects to consider carefully:

  • Shrimps: Excellent source of lean proteins and selenium, but pay attention to the cholesterol content.
  • Champignon Mushrooms: Rich in B vitamins and minerals, they contribute to the health of the immune system.
  • Bechamel Sauce: Although it adds creaminess to the dish, it increases the calorie intake and contains saturated fats.
  • Shortcrust Pastry: Provides carbohydrates for energy, but prefer whole grain versions for a higher fiber intake.

Each portion contains approximately 350 calories, making the dish a moderate option for a main meal. It is important to balance the rest of the daily diet in order to maintain a nutritional equilibrium.

Easy and Delicious Surf and Turf Tart

Servings 6
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
Total Time 55 minutes


  • Line the bottom of a baking dish about 8 inches in diameter, previously buttered and floured, with the brisé dough.
  • Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes.
  • Meanwhile, carefully clean and rinse the mushrooms, allow them to drain and cut them into thin slices.
  • In a skillet, melt the butter and season the mushrooms for a few minutes.
  • Add the shrimp to the skillet and season with salt and pepper to taste.
  • Add the béchamel sauce to the mushrooms and shrimp, let it cook for 5 minutes.
  • Pour the resulting filling into the bottom of the baked tart.
  • Let the tart cool before serving.


For an even tastier variation, you can add a sprinkling of grated cheese over the tart before baking it for the last 5 minutes of baking time. This will add an irresistible crunch and more flavor.
Author: Tips4Food
Calories: 350kcal
Course: Desserts
Keyword: easy, Sea and Mountain Tart, Shrimps, Tasty

Creative Variations for a Unique Savory Pie

Exploring variations of this delicious preparation opens the door to a world of flavors. For those who wish to maintain a maritime theme, replacing shrimp with pieces of octopus or squid can offer a new dimension to the dish. On the other hand, mushroom lovers may opt for more aromatic varieties such as porcini or chanterelles, further enriching the taste.

Moreover, the introduction of vegetables such as spinach or artichokes can completely transform the taste experience, adding fresh and spring-like notes. For those who are not afraid of culinary adventure, experimenting with different types of cheese in the bechamel sauce – from gorgonzola to pecorino – promises rewarding surprises with every bite.

Making this dish even more special is possible by playing with spices and herbs: a pinch of curry for an exotic touch or thyme and rosemary to delicately flavor the main components. Finally, those looking for an alternative to the classic base can try whole wheat versions or even gluten-free of the brisé pastry, thus ensuring a proposal suitable for all palates and dietary needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find the answers to the most common questions about this delicious and easy-to-prepare recipe.

What size should the pan be for this tart?

It is recommended to use a pan of about 20 cm in diameter to obtain a well-balanced tart.

How many minutes does the tart bake in the oven?

Bake the tart in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes, until it turns golden brown.

How to properly clean Champignon mushrooms before using them?

Champignon mushrooms should be carefully cleaned under running water and sliced thinly after being drained thoroughly.

How long should the tart cool before serving?

We suggest letting the tart cool slightly after filling it with the tasty filling, so the flavors can blend better before serving. Enjoy your meal!

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